According to official data released on Wednesday, India recorded 50,035 occurrences of cybercrime in 2020, an 11.8 percent increase over the previous year, with 578 incidents of “false news on social media” also documented.
According to India National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, the rate of cybercrime (incidents per lakh people) in the country climbed from 3.3 percent in 2019 to 3.7 percent in 2020.

A total of 44,735 cybercrimes were reported in the United States in 2019, compared to 27,248 in 2018.
The NCRB reported 4,047 occurrences of online banking fraud, 1,093 OTP frauds, 1,194 credit/debit card fraud, and 2,160 cases of ATM fraud in 2020.

According to the report, there were also 578 instances of fake news on social media, 972 instances of cyberstalking or bullying of women and children, 149 instances of phony profiles, and 98 instances of data theft, among other things.
According to the NCRB, which is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the majority of cybercrimes committed in 2020 (30,142 out of 50,035 cases) were motivated by fraud.

Sexual exploitation came in second with 6.6% (3,293 incidents) and extortion came in third with 4.9% (2,440 cases).

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Among states, Uttar Pradesh had the highest number of cybercrime instances with 11,097, followed by Karnataka with 10,741 and Maharashtra with 5,496, Telangana with 5,024, and Assam with 3,530.

Assam (10.1%), and Telangana (13.4%) had the highest crime rates, followed by Karnataka (16.2%). India’s two largest states are Uttar Pradesh (4,8%) and Maharashtra  (4.4 %)

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which is responsible for collecting and analyzing crime data as stated by the Indian Penal Code and special and local laws in the country, Delhi registered 168 such cases during the year, with a crime rate of 0.8%.