On Wednesday, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), a Canadian government enterprise, faced a cyber attack – a credit card hack. The country’s…
Credit Card
Magecraft campaign sheds light on the scale of the ongoing campaign
A Magecart skimming campaign, recently discovered, was traced back to an earlier attack in November 2021. Two malware domains have been tracked for hosting…
Cybersecurity News
Credit card details stolen and hidden in images by Magecart hackers
Hackers of the Magecart cybercrime gang have hooked on to another method of jumbling the malware code inside the comment section and encoding robbed…
cyber breach
Domino’s India Hacked, Credit Card Data of 1 million users on sale
In the weekend news that shook many, a cybersecurity expert has claimed that the credit card details of 1 million Domino’s India customers are…
Cybersecurity Issues
CSS files of online stores refuge for Credit Card thieves
The scripts of Credit card thieves developing and become progressively harder to distinguish because of novel concealing strategies. The most recent model is a…