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Ryuk Ransomware Attack- UHS Suffers a Total Loss of $67 Million

Ryuk Ransomware Attack

CyberDaily: Cybersecurity news

Universal Health Services(UHS), the American hospital and healthcare services company, reported that the Ryuk ransomware attack had cost them $67 million in total ransom revenue.

The UHS is a Fortune 500 company, based in Pennsylvania, America that reportedly employs more than 85,000 employees. The company provides healthcare and medical services to an estimated 3.5 million patients annually and has more than 400 branches in the UK and the USA.

UHS, which has an annual turnover of over $10 billion, had fallen prey to a Ryuk ransomware attack back in September 2020.

UHS facing the Ryuk ransomware:

The ransomware attack on UHS constrained the company to disengage its chief systems in the US.

As reported in the previous week, UHS had a sum total strike of $67 million pre-tax.

UHS delivers that the sizable majority of the ransom strike was by virtue of their acute care services and inherently comprised of forfeited operating income resources. This particular loss was observed as a result of dwindling patient activity and the soaring revenue resources linked to billing backlogs.

The disruption of resources and funding strike was also directed towards some labor expenditures, professional expenses, as well as miscellaneous operating costing, sustained because of the Ryuk ransomware attack and disturbance in operations.

“We also suffered major incremental labor expenses, both internal and external, to restore IT operations as promptly as possible,” added the organization.

A month to restore UHS systems:

According to their reports, UHS regulated most of the affected system restorations and hospital operations through October after initialing all the business operations and IT infrastructure retrieval processes promptly after the attack.

The company affirms that hospital measures and operations have resumed after the substantial competition of backloading of data

As cybersecurity investigations are still underway, the company is yet to find any pieces of evidence of theft, unauthorized access, or misuse of the employee or patient data.

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