The cyber police of Ukraine recently arrest a 36-year-old man from the city of Netishyn. The person is selling personal data and sensitive information. The man had access to the personal information of more than 300 million individuals. This includes citizens of Ukraine and various European countries. He was using the popular messaging app Telegram. It was to promote the stolen data to interested buyers, charging them anywhere between $500 and $2,000. The amount was subject to the value and amount of data.
Details of the cyber crime
According to the police report, the culprit was an administrator of closed groups. He also owns channels on Telegram where he sold the data. The report further states that the data he sold also include passport, taxpayer numbers, birth certificates, licenses, and other data.
During their investigation, the Ukrainian cyber police revealed that the buyers of the data were Russian citizens who used currencies prohibited on Ukrainian territory to pay for the acquired databases. The police were able to trace the cybercriminal through this and arrested him.
When the police raided the offender’s location, he tried to obstruct the investigation and even attacked a police officer, only to be stopped by other officers. The police managed to seize 36 hard drives, computers, and server equipment containing several databases.
Legal proceedings
The accused is now facing several criminal charges under Part 2 of Art. 361-1 for creating software for malicious purposes, Art. 362 for unauthorized access to information stored in computer networks, and Part 2 of Art. 345 for threatening or attacking law enforcement officers.
Punishment for these violations of the criminal code in Ukraine varies depending on the severity of the crime, the suspect’s criminal history, and the specific circumstances of the case. Conviction under the latter up to five years in prison, while the punishment for the first two criminal violations may lead to imprisonment penalties.
Ukraine’s large-scale cyber operation
In December 2021, the Ukrainian cyber police carried out a large-scale operation, leading to the arrest of 51 suspects who were found selling 100 databases. The databases contained 90,000 GB of data or personal information concerning 300 million people, including citizens from the US, Ukraine, and various European countries.
The suspect’s recent arrest is a significant win for the Ukrainian cyber police as it shows their commitment to combat cybercrime in the country. The police are continually working to ensure data protection and privacy rights of citizens are upheld. The recent crackdowns curb future cybercriminal activities and the people involved in perpetrating them.