UK-based French Connection clothing retailer i.e FCUK has recently faced a ransomware attack, with links to the infamous REvil ransomware gang.
Ransomware attack in links with REvil Ransomware:
FCUK i.e French Connection is a UK-based global retailer and wholesaler of fashion clothing, accessories, and homeware.
Detailing the ransomware attack faced by FCUK, it was found that the REvil ransomware was able to detect a security vulnerability within the clothing retailer’s back-end systems.
Subsequently, the attackers were able to hack into the FCUK internal network to steal organization-sensitive data.
Furthermore, passport and identification card scans seen by The Register have been used by the gang as proof-of-breach, covering a range of staff members – including founder and chief executive Marks, chief financial officer Lee Williams, and chief operating officer Neil Williams.
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FCUK investigating the data breach attack:
FCUK also addressed the ransomware attack, stating that they had “been the target of an organized cyber-attack affecting its back-end servers, which control its internal systems and operations.”
According to the clothing retailer, none of its front-end servers, especially the ones that are responsible for handling online payments, were affected by the ransomware attack.
“As soon as it became aware of the breach, the company took immediate action, suspending all affected systems and engaging third-party experts to assist with resolving the situation,” stated FCUK. “The company is now actively working to restore its systems as quickly and safely as possible and where necessary is using manual overrides in order to ensure that the company can continue to operate.”
It is common knowledge that data bridled by the REvil ransomware gang is put up for sale with the victims provided with a ransom demand in exchange for keeping the data intact.
The company also provided that currently, there is no evidence directing that any customer data was compromised in the cyberattack.
So far, the ransomware attack has also not had an effect on trading, as FCUK puts it, as operations appear to be functioning mostly as usual.