Telegram channels have become a hotbed of threats. Remote Access Trojan (RAT) has recently joined the scene, spreading via Telegram channels.FatalRAT, is being spread via…
MacOS Malware robs Google Chrome and Telegram Accounts data
Security analysts have distributed insights regarding the technique utilized by a strain of macOS malware to rob login data from various applications, empowering its…
Cybersecurity News
Telegram App to have 4 Cryptographic vulnerabilities
The Telegram vulnerability range “from actually unimportant and simple to violation to further developed and of hypothetical interest,” as indicated by the security investigation.…
ToxicEye Trojan Cyberattack Spotted By Telegram App Malware Alert
Telegram app has been recently found to have been subjected to escalating malware abuse. Malicious actors exploiting the platform to dupe victims using ToxicEye…
Telegram For Windows Rolls Out Security Update: CyberDaily
Telegram for Windows has rolled out a security update that comes with new data privacy attributes to allow users to have enhanced data authority.…